Shear wave velocity (Vs) measurements from seismic piezocone penetration (SCPTU) soundings have been increasingly used for site characterization and liquefaction potential assessments. Several sites in Tangshan region, China liquefied during the Tangshan earthquake, Mw=7.8 in 1976 and these sites were characterized recently using the SCPTU device. Other sites in the same region where liquefaction was not observed are also included in the present field investigations. Three liquefaction assessment models-based on measured shear wave velocity, shear modulus and tip resistance parameters of SCPTU are evaluated in this paper for their accurate predictions of liquefaction or non-liquefaction at the test sites. Analyses showed that the shear wave velocity—liquefaction resistance model with normalized overburden vertical stress have yielded a success rate of 78% in predicting liquefied site cases and another similar approach with mean stress based normalization has a success rate of 67%. The correlation of qc/Go-CRR7.5 based on geological age has correctly assessed the liquefaction potential at most sites considered in this research. Overall, all three models based on shear wave velocity, shear modulus and cone tip resistance are proven valuable in the assessments of liquefaction at the present test sites in the Tangshan region.
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