We studied telocytes/CD34+ stromal cells (TCs/CD34+SCs) in pathologically affected white adipose tissue after briefly examining them in normal fat. To this aim, we reviewed pathological processes, including original contributions, in which TCs/CD34+SCs are conserved, increased, and lost, or acquire a specific arrangement. The pathologic processes in which TCs/CD34+SCs are studied in adipose tissue include inflammation and repair through granulation tissue, iatrogenic insulin-amyloid type amyloidosis, non-adipose tissue components (nerve fascicles and fibres in neuromas and hyperplastic neurogenic processes) and tumours (signet ring carcinoma with Krukenberg tumour and colon carcinoma) growing in adipose tissue, adipose tissue tumours (spindle cell lipoma, dendritic fibromyxolipoma, pleomorphic lipoma, infiltrating angiolipoma of skeletal muscle and elastofibrolipoma), lipomatous hypertrophy of the interatrial septum, nevus lipomatosus cutaneous superficialis of Hoffman–Zurhelle and irradiated adipose tissue of the perirectal and thymic regions. Two highly interesting issues emerged: (1) whether the loss of CD34 expression in TCs/CD34+SCs is by changes in marker expression or the disappearance of these cells (the findings suggest the first possibility) and (2) whether in some invasive and metastatic malignant tumours, TCs/CD34+SCs that completely surround neoplastic cells act as nurse and/or isolating cells. Further studies are required on adipose tissue TCs/CD34+SCs, mainly in lipomatosis and obesity.
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