Thirty four tea clones were sourced from Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria tea germplasm and raised through stem cuttings for 10 months in the nursery. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replications in 2016. Agronomic and yield data were collected and subjected to analysis of variance. Single linkage cluster analysis (SLCA), principal component analysis (PCA) and FATCLUS analysis were employed to analyse the data. ANOVA showed considerable significant variation p<0.05 among the 34 tea genotypes. The PCA showed that Plant Height (PH) 0.39, Number of Leaves (NL) 0.38, Number of Branches (NB) 0.37, Harvestable Points (HP) 0.31, Stem Diameter 0.39 and Leaf Breadth 0.30 accounted for most of the variations observed. Axes 1, 2 and 3 of the PCA accounted for 37.23%, 15.48% and 10.75% variability respectively with cumulative value of 63.47%. The genotypes were clustered into 7 groups by FASTCLUS Analysis. The dendrogram showed that the first cluster was observed between NGC29 and NGC 47 at 0.08 level of similarity. At 0.50 level of similarity the dendrogram revealed 5 distinct groups. Therefore, variation exists among the tea germplasm in Nigeria thereby suggests further presenting opportunities for further varietal development.
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