Abstract The objective of this study was to examine the effects of weighing and scooping soil samples on the accuracy of soil test results, fertilizer and lime requirement recommendations using the metric, British and American measurement systems. Although, it is well Known that BO values of mineral soils vary easily by 100Z (values vary by as much as 1000% when including Histosols) from an average assumed value, one of the most widely held delusion in North American soil testing circles is that a defined constant weight of soil can be measured volumetrically. Analytical results can only be extrapolated accurately to a furrow layer of defined weight when samples are weighed for analysis. Analytical results ought then be reported as ppm, μg gram‐1, or mg kg‐1soil. Unfortunately a furrow layer of defined weight is likely to have an undefined depth. Several scoop sizes are being used to measure an assumed weight of soil, it is suggested that laboratories following this practice report analytical results in p...
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