• Bleaching of FMN in SOPP3 depends on electron transfer with surrounding molecules. • Amino acids in SOPP3 mediate the bleaching reaction of bound FMN. • Despite FMN bleaching, SOPP3 is still be a viable intracellular optogenetic actuator. Light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) proteins that bind flavin mononucleotide (FMN) have received attention as optogenetic systems that can photosensitize the production of singlet molecular oxygen, O 2 (a 1 Δ g ). Although the seminal compound in this family, mini singlet oxygen generator (miniSOG), does not make O 2 (a 1 Δ g ) in appreciable yield, it is a convenient standard against which other singlet oxygen photosensitizing proteins (SOPPs) can be judged. SOPP3 is a re-engineered version of miniSOG that selectively produces O 2 (a 1 Δ g ) in high yield but, when localized in a cell, the protein-encased FMN readily bleaches upon irradiation. In contrast, the bleaching of FMN in miniSOG is slow under the same conditions. The available evidence indicates that O 2 (a 1 Δ g ) is not directly involved in the bleaching reaction. Rather, electron-transfer reactions between FMN and molecules in the surrounding medium, likely mediated by residues in the LOV protein, accelerate FMN bleaching. In this regard, and identifying a culprit, replacing a glutamine that H-bonds to FMN in miniSOG with either leucine (Q103L) or valine (Q103V) increases the 3 FMN lifetime and, thereby, increases both the O 2 (a 1 Δ g ) yield and the bleaching rate. Although the same electron transfer reactions likely influence these respective observations, the O 2 (a 1 Δ g ) yield principally reflects the kinetic competition between two processes that remove/deactivate 3 FMN: (1) quenching by ground state oxygen, O 2 (X 3 Σ g - ), to produce O 2 (a 1 Δ g ), and (2) electron transfer to produce the FMN radical anion. Photobleaching principally reflects the accumulated electron-transfer-mediated depletion of ground state FMN, which, over time in the dark, is partly regenerated by compensating redox reactions. Despite the bleaching, irradiation of SOPP3 induces morphological change in a cell. This result, which contradicts conclusions from previous experiments with a lower light dose, indicates that SOPP3 may indeed be a viable optogenetic actuator.
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