In recent years, it has been shown that LOV (light, oxygen, voltage) and BLUF (Blue Light sensing Using FAD) photosensory proteins are functioning as photoreceptors of light-regulated processes not only in eukaryotes but also in numerous prokaryotes. In bacterial photoreceptors, LOV and BLUF domains with attached flavin chromophores are often associated with different effector domains, which possess enzymatic and other functions, constituting modular light-switchable systems. At present, some progress in uncovering the photoactivation mechanisms of such systems has been achieved. They are based on the chromophore photoreaction-induced changes in the photosensory domain structures and subsequent signal transduction to the effector domains. Understanding of the signal transduction principles in LOV and BLUF photosensors is important for designing, on their basis, photo-switchable enzymes and transcriptional systems applied in optogenetics—a new field in cell biology and biotechnology. The structural aspects of signal transduction by light-activated LOV and BLUF photoreceptors and their regulatory functions in bacteria, as well as some recent advances in using LOV and BLUF photosensors as activators in optogenetic systems for regulation of cellular processes are discussed.
PapB chimeric protein reveals the function of the BLUF domain C-terminal α-helices for light-signal transduction
Montell D.J. Light-mediated activation reveals a key role for Rac in collective guidance
Pathak G.P., Losi A., Gartner W.Metagenome-based screening reveals worldwide distribution of LOV-domain proteins // Photochem
Сопряжённый с протоном перенос электрона от Тир-остатка на фотовозбуждённый флавин с переходом его в нейтральный радикал; реориентация водородных связей вблизи хромофора и образование интермедиата ФАДred; конформационные изменения в С-концевых α-спиралях BLUF-домена [1, 2, 6]. Аллостерическая двусторонняя связь между изменениями структуры BLUF-домена и активным центром EAL в димерном BlrP1 [8]. Диссоциация комплекса димера YcgF с транскрипционным репрессором YcgE, сопровождаемая его высвобождением из оперона [13]. Аллостерические структурные изменения в комплексе AppA — PpsR — ДНК. Взаимодействие комплекса AppA — PpsR с сайтами связывания репрессора PpsR на ДНК предотвращает формирование PpsR — ДНК-репрессорного комплекса [14]. Стимуляция фосфодиэстеразной активности EAL-домена у K. pneumonia [7] Формирование биоплёнки клетками E. coli [13]. Синтез компонентов аппарата фотосинтеза у R. sphaeroides [6, 14]
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