This is a systematic study of the π0-decays of light hypernuclei (A⩽5) produced by K− capture in nuclear emulsion. Approximately 3·104 K− stars were examined, yielding a total of 94 l-prong events satisfying the following conbitions:Rc⩾5 µm, 8 µm⩽R0⩽50 µm,θ⩾66°, whereRc is the range of the primary (connecting track),R0 that of the secondary (recoil) andθ the angle between their directions at their point of intersection. Of the 69 events which could be charge (Z) identified, 55 hadZ=1 and 14Z=2. In theZ=1 category the true π0-events could not be separated from 1-prong Σ−-events because of the overwhelming (≳ 90%) contribution of the latter. It is concluded that probably all the 14Z=2 events represent true HeΛ decays (∼ 104HeΛ and ∼ 45HeΛ). In addition, three 2-prong events were consistent with the interpretation as4HeΛ decays. One can define for the π0-decays of4HeΛ the ratio:R′(4HeΛ)=(two-body decays)/(all decays — «unobservable» ones); the «unobservable» ones being π0-neutron-recoil decays with recoil momenta <110 MeV/c and other modes with ⩾1 neutron. A valueR′(4HeΛ)=0.82−.18+.15 is found here. The analogous quantity for4HΛ was computed from the data of ref. (10) and yieldsR′(4HΛ)=0.88−0.06+0.07. These two numbers are equal within their experimental errors. This equality is consistent with the assumption |p_/s_|=|p0/s0| as predicted by the ΔT=1/2 rule. The ratio, ϱ, of two body π0-decays of4HeΛ to the total number of π−-decays of4HeΛ was determined to be 0.7±0.4. Accordingly as the spin of4HeΛ is 0 or 1, ϱ is a measure of the strength either of thes- or of thep-wave channel in the neutral mode of the free Λ decay.
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