The heterogeneous discourses of the nation produced in modern disciplinarily organized science are considered, they built in the horizon of the representation of the nation, normatively set by the New European “managerial paradigmˮ. In this perspective of which resolves the ambiguities, always accompanying stories about national identity: the discrepancy in the definition of the beginning and description of the history of European nations; the definition of it as a political community and social community; the ways in which the social category. That is, the analytical tool of objective scientific sociological cognition, is attributed to reality; the distinction between republican and ethnic nations and the validity of evaluation in value-neutral scientific cognition. The story, that is, the narrative, has its own logic and its own way of connecting with reality. The narrative of the nation is built on behalf of the state and in different historical periods emphasizes various elements of content and the principles of its organization in the representation of the nation. The article identifies two configurations of the narrative of the nation, mediated by changes in the nature of the social, the essence of the political (politics as the management of interests) and the state interest (from revolution to mobilization). The conclusion is made that the “unique constellation of historical circumstances” that led to the emergence of the New European nations and the exclusivity of the national political form in the New European nation-state is losing its validity in modern times. The alternative is indicated: the world re-publican nation of a universal and global political order (the liberal project of the republican nation) and the non-national existence of the population, which has an open character.
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