In the research work "Silvain Pouvreauren hiztegiaren iturriak eta testukritikaren metodologia" (ASJU XLII-2, 2008, 69-118) we studied the Pouvreau’s literature and lexical sources with the support of the text criticism. Among the conclusions, we pointed out the need of going deep into the study of the mentioned written sources, and to approach to the aspects of the Pouvreau’s lexicography that in the previous works carried out by several researchers had been insufficiently studied or remained unstudied, i.e. the dictionary patterns apart from Voltoire’s one (ASJU XLIV-2, 2010, 221-278) on what Pouvreau could based to prepare theirs, the structuration’s process of the dictionary, their chronology, the gathered basque spoken testimonies, evolution with the time of dictionary’s entries and subentries, and so on. These objectives prompted us to carry out with the aid in this occasion the metalexicography and the text criticism, the doctoral thesis called Pouvreauren hiztegia testukritika eta metalexikografiaren argitan that we defended in november of 2014.In this number of ASJU we present the section of the thesis "Pouvreauren hiztegiaren antolakuntza" that is divided in three subsections: i) about dictionary’ structure, i.e. macro and microstructure ii) about French lexicography pattern, i.e. traces of the French lexicographers Voltoire, Oudin and Nicot in the Pouvreau’s dictionary. iii) about structuration of the dictionary.The main results we have obtained are the following: the nomenclature is organized in an ethymological order as that Nicot’s dictionary has. Regarding the microstructure, our results are not conclusive, because Pouvreau’s original manuscript has a lot of marginal entries, Spanish equivalents, proverbes and so on, that difficult to draw out any final conclusion. On the other hand, Nicot’s and Oudin’s dictionaries were the main patterns that Pouvreau utilized to organize theirs, at a greater extent than Voltoire’s one. In efect, it looks like Pouvreau consulted the two dictionaries simultaneously, but choosing the ethymological order of the Nicot’s one as the guide. Finally, and according with our hypothesis Pouvreau utilized mainly two starting languages to structure their dictionary: i) French: on one hand looking for the correspondant Basque equivalents to Nicot’s and Oudin’s entries, and on the other hand, but an a more little extent by incorporating as entries several terms from he himself translated texts from French to Basque, ii) Basque: incorporating Basque authors’ and spoken testimonies.
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