This study examined the effects of divorce and custody arrangements on preschool children's emotional adjustment and gender role development two years post divorce. The sample consisted of 90 children: 30 in father custody matched with 30 in mother custody and 30 in two‐parent families. Teachers, blind to study purposes and well acquainted with the children, rated the children on the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire [PBQ] which rates degree of maladjustment. Each child had an individual Gender Constancy Interview [GCI] and each parent provided demographic and family information. No differences in level of maladjustment were found for children of divorced vs. two parent families. Regardless of family status, boys were rated as significantly more aggressive than girls. Regardless of custody arrangement, boys in divorced families were rated higher than girls as hostile‐aggressive and hyperactive‐distractible. Children with same sex custodial parent were rated as better adjusted emotionally than children in custody with the opposite sex parent. Older preschool boys in mother custody had more advanced gender role development than children in other custody arrangements. Father custody families in Taiwan received more income and more grandparent childrearing support than single mothers. Single mothers expressed more childrearing worry than single fathers.
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