Religious freedom and the right to practice a religion by persons deprived of their liberty do not cause controversy in democratic states. The challenge, not easily met, is to exercise guaranteed religious rights in penitentiary facilities. This study aimed to compare legal regulations and the level of protection of religious freedom that they impose with the real possibility of the voluntary performance of religious practices. In other words, this study sought to answer the question of whether prisoners in Polish penitentiary facilities are free to practise the religion of their choice and are not forced to participate in religious practices against their will. This article presents the general results of a survey on religious practices carried out in the Polish penitentiary facilities that were examined. The data were supplemented by prisoners’ comments about freedom to practice religion. This article includes the comments of both believers (assessing the availability of practices) and non-believers (assessing the compulsion to participate in the practices of the dominant religion). Opinions about practising a religion given by the penitentiary staff will serve as a specific counterpoint. The presented study results allowed the formulation of basic conclusions of a general nature, which can contribute to further discussions on religious freedom in post-criminal isolation units. The survey was carried out from March to October 2022 based on a prepared questionnaire. It was completed by 556 prisoners, including 34 females and 444 males (68 respondents did not indicate their gender). In total, prisoners incarcerated in 35 penitentiary facilities located throughout Poland were surveyed. Simultaneously, a survey was carried out among educators and teachers in all the above penitentiary facilities, who completed, in total, 164 questionnaires. An analysis of the replies to the questions and the free comments of all the respondents and their comparison with the current regulations make it possible to conclude that Poland—on a constitutional and statutory level—adequately safeguards prisoners’ religious rights, but their practical application must be assessed as unsatisfactory. Prisoners do not always have the possibility to observe rites or manifest their religion. Problems are encountered by both followers of the strongly dominant religion in Poland (Roman Catholicism) and minority denominations. Despite the reported difficulties, Roman Catholics are indisputably in a much more favourable position. Freedom from religion is also not fully respected—prisoners involuntarily participate in certain practices and take part in the religious observance of church festivals.
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