Triangular billiards whose angles are rational multiples of π are one of the simplest examples of pseudo-integrable models with intriguing classical and quantum properties. We perform an extensive numerical study of spectral statistics of eight quantized rational triangles, six belonging to the family of right-angled Veech triangles and two obtuse rational triangles. Large spectral samples of up to one million energy levels were calculated for each triangle, which permits one to determine their spectral statistics with great accuracy. It is demonstrated that they are of the intermediate type, sharing some features with chaotic systems, like level repulsion, and some with integrable systems, like exponential tails of the level spacing distributions. Another distinctive feature of intermediate spectral statistics is a finite value of the level compressibility. The short-range statistics such as the level spacing distributions, and long-range statistics such as the number variance and spectral form factors were analyzed in detail. An excellent agreement between the numerical data and the model of gamma distributions is revealed.
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