&(u)-=f, u > 0 Q, aQ = D1Q U D2Q; U I 2Q = . VUI a2Q = 0 where 6 is a second order elliptic differential operator and D2Q is the overdetermined free boundary. Systems of this nature appear connection with multiple-phased physical phenomena, such as obstacle problems [L-S], filtration problems [B] and problems the theory of plasticity [T]. The theory of variational inequalities (minimization of a convex functional a Hilbert space) provides a solution to the physical problem the form of a pair (u, Q), where u belongs to C1l(Q), and DQ is a predetermined part of Q (see [L-S], ]B-K]). D2Q, the free boundary, has been studied extensively. In recent work one of the authors, [C], showed that the points of the free boundary that are of positive Lebesgue density with respect to C(Q) are regular points, the sense that a neighbourhood of each such point the boundary is a smooth surface. On the other hand, at those points of the boundary where the Lebesgue density with respect to C(Q) is zero, the behaviour of the boundary has, so far, been discussed only in measure. The lack of a more precise description at such points is due to the fact that the estimates on the growth of the second derivatives of the solution near the boundary are too weak to permit the use of integral arguments for a more precise analysis. In the first part of the paper we obtain, two dimensions, a stronger estimate than [C] for the second derivatives of the solution near the free boundary. In the second part we show that n-dimensional integral arguments apply such a case to prove that, asymptotically, the coincidence set at a point of zero density is arranged along a straight line.
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