<p style="text-align: justify;">Letters play a crucial role in learning nahwu (Arabic syntax) to understand Arabic grammar, particularly in meaning analysis. Previous studies, such as those by Al-Khatib, examined the role of prepositions (huruf jar) in Arabic syntax, while Al-Jundi explored how these letters affect the grammatical status of verbs and sentence meaning. This article analyzes the meanings of huruf al-‘amilah (governing letters) concerning those governing a single noun (huruf tujarru ism wahid) and their influence on legal conclusions in Bulughul Maraam: Bab Thaharah by Al-Hafidz Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqolaani, a book containing hadiths on Islamic legal principles. The study aims to: 1) Identify the meanings of huruf ‘amilah in Bulughul Maraam: Bab Thaharah; and 2) Determine the influence of these meanings on legal conclusions in the book. Using a library research method with a descriptive approach, data was collected through documentation and analyzed through classification, content analysis, and conclusion. The results show that the letter "al-ba’" in Bulughul Maraam: Bab Thaharah has 10 meanings: 1) Instrument, 2) Accompaniment, 3) Addition, 4) Place/time, 5) Part of a whole, 6) Exchange, 7) Attachment to action, 8) Direction, 9) Cause, and 10) Action. These meanings influence legal conclusions in 20 hadiths.</p>