The purpose of this research study was to develop an innovative, standardized taxonomy for leader demographic data to gather consistent and comparable data across healthcare leadership studies. Minimum data sets help ensure consistent data collection strategies for standardized comparison among similar variables across settings. A standardized approach to collecting demographic data of healthcare workforce leadership will provide the structure necessary for researchers to more adequately compare the role of demographic characteristics in research outcomes. This study was conducted using systematic literature review methodology with comparative analysis across demographic data sets. Two separate literature reviews were conducted: the 1st for studies of approaches to establishing minimum data sets and another for studies of healthcare leadership. The outcome of this study is the Shillam-Clipper Leadership Minimum Demographic Data Set tool that includes a comprehensive list of minimum demographic variables applicable to healthcare leadership research, a glossary of operational definitions for the identified demographic variables, and a clearly articulated set of instructions for consistent and accurate data collection. This standardized taxonomy will result in a consistent data set that will improve the effectiveness of comparative research.