Free energy perturbation (FEP) methodologies have become commonplace methods for modeling potency in hit-to-lead and lead optimization stages of drug discovery. The conformational states of the initial poses of compounds for FEP+ calculations are often set up by alignment to a cocrystal structure ligand, but it is not clear if this method provides the best result for all proteins or all ligands. Not only are ligand conformational states potential variables in modeling compound potency in FEP but also the selection of crystallographic water molecules for inclusion in the FEP input structures can impact FEP models. Here, we report the results of FEP calculations using FEP+ from Schrödinger and starting from maximum common substructure alignment and docked poses generated with an array of docking methodologies. As a benchmark data set, we use monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL), an important clinical drug target in cancer malignancy, neurological diseases, and metabolic disorders, and a set of 17 MAGL inhibitors. We found a large variation among FEP+ correlations to experimental IC50 values depending on the method used to generate the input pose and that the inclusion of ligand-based information in the docking process, with some methods, increases the correlation between FEP+ free energies and IC50 values. Upon analysis of the initial poses, we found that the differences in FEP+ correlations stemmed from rotation around a tertiary amide bond as well as translation of the compound toward the more hydrophobic side of the MAGL pocket. FEP+ estimation improved across all pose modeling methods when hydrogen bond constraint information was added. However, simple maximum common substructure alignment in the presence of all crystallographic water molecules outperformed all other methods in correlation between estimated and experimental IC50 values. Taken together, these findings suggest that pose selection and crystallographic water inclusion greatly impact how well FEP+ estimated IC50 values align with experimental IC50 values and that modelers should benchmark a few different pose generation methodologies and different water inclusion strategies for their hit-to-lead and lead optimization drug discovery projects.
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