The long-term leaching behavior of incineration bottom ash (IBA) was studied with large-scale samples from two German waste incinerators with grate technology. The observation period was up to 281 days. The aging processes proceeded faster in the outdoor storage of the samples. The dominant factor in the leaching behavior is the pH, which starts at values above 12 and decreases to values below 10 (outdoors, <11 indoors). Most heavy metals exhibit minimum solubility in this pH range. The solubility of Sb depends on the prevailing Ca concentration, due to the formation of low-soluble Ca antimonate. The very low sulfate concentrations observed in the leaching tests with fresh IBA could be explained by the presence of ettringite. In the course of the aging reaction, ettringite is transformed into gypsum. The results from batch tests were compared with those from column tests, showing reasonable agreement. Leaching dynamics can be better followed with column tests. All results confirm that the use of IBA is possible under German law.