We continue the presentation of the theory of the isolated fiber.' Effect of Saponin upon the Resting Membrane Potential.-According to reports in the literature,2 3 2 per cent saponin in Ringer's does not depolarize the internodes of isolated fibers until, after long-lasting action (20-40 min), it causes disintegration of the myelin layer. However, when, instead of a condenser-coupled amplifier which cannot detect flows of demarcation current, a d.c.-coupled amplifier is used, it is found that 2 per cent saponin is an exceedingly powerful depolarizing agent; indeed, it is stronger than 114 mM potassium chloride. The depolarization by saponin begins almost instantaneously and increases progressively during a long period of time (no less than 40-60 min). The experiments illustrated by Figures 1-3 belong to a series of 12 in which perfectly consistent results were obtained, for which reason only two experiments will be discussed in which node N, was placed in different positions. In all cases, at the end of the experiment microscopic examination (300 X) failed to detect structural changes in the treated segment, which is in agreement with the fact that in fibers of desheathed nerves kept in 2 per cent saponin for 30 min the myelin layer is stained by osmic acid in apparently the same manner as in untreated nerves. Node N, at the Center of the First Gap and Exposed N2 in the Distal Pool.-The experiment illustrated by Figure 1 is exceptional, since it is the only one in which, with node N, at the center of the first gap, an early downward peak did not appear when the amplifier was placed across the first gap (Fig. 1, 1). In all probability, the stimulation threshold in the central pool was higher than in all the other similar experiments. Nevertheless, the threshold still was low enough (cf. ref. lb) to permit the creation of an active zone in the central pool when a zero-resistance shunt was placed across the first gap (Fig. 1, 2). That the stimulation threshold was relatively high in the central pool is also proved by the fact that with the amplifier in position IV, a deflection was recorded (Fig. 1, 3) having a small downward phase and a large second upward phase (refs. 1 c, e, h). In view of the rapid action of 20 mM xylocaine (Fig. 1, 4-8), it is clear that the active zone responsible for the second upward phase was located in the distal pool. The secondary action of the anesthetic, which also developed rapidly, depressed the state of the isolated fiber. For this reason, with the amplifier across the first gap, an active zone was not created in the central pool and only a trapezoidal action potential was recorded (Fig. 1, 9). With the amplifer across the second gap, in the presence of a zero-
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