Abstract Effect algebras were introduced in order to describe the structure of effects, i.e. events in quantum mechanics. They are partial algebras describing the logic behind the corresponding events. It is natural to ask how to introduce the logical connective implication in effect algebras. For lattice-ordered effect algebras this task was already solved by several authors, including the present ones. We concentrate on effect algebras that need not be lattice-ordered since these can better describe the events occurring in the quantum physical system. Although an effect algebra is only partial, we try to find a logical connective implication which is everywhere defined. But such a connective can be “unsharp” or “inexact” because its outputs for given pairs of entries need not be elements of the underlying effect algebra, but may be subsets of (mutually incomparable) maximal elements. We introduce such an implication together with its adjoint functor representing conjunction. Then we consider so-called tense operators on effect algebras. Of course, also these operators turn out to be “unsharp” in the aforementioned sense, but they are in a certain relation with the operators implication and conjunction. Finally, for given tense operators and given time set T, we describe two methods how to construct a time preference relation R on T such that the given tense operators are either comparable with or equivalent to those induced by the time frame (T, R).
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