This paper presents the effect of off-south orientation on the performance of flat plate solar collectors. This study is done, taking into consideration the building's off-south orientation. The present work investigates collector performance and optimum tilt as functions of the off-south angle, collection temperature, latitude and wind velocity. The three latitudes considered are of New Delhi(L = 28.38°N), Bangalore (L = 12.97°N) and Madras (13.0°N). It has been found that, for the best average winter performance, the tilt is latitude angle +15°, whereas, for the best average summer performance, it is latitude angle −15°. It has also been confirmed that, for year round operation, the maximum solar energy is collected when the tilt is 0.9 times the latitude angle. Further, it has been noticed that there is an optimum value of collector tilt for a given azimuthal angle at which yearly effectiveness is a maximum. The effect of increase in off-south angle is to decrease the yearly effectiveness.