Background: In soybean growing areas, the agro-climatic conditions of mansoon season favours more to grow only soybean during kharif season even in assured irrigation water supply circumstances. But there is a magnificent opportunity to put back wheat during rabi season by adopting the diversification towards other crops which are having higher water productivity. Methods: A field trial was conducted during rainy, winter and late winter seasons of the year 2015-16 and 2016-17 at the research farm of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dhar, M.P. to assess of water productivity of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] based cropping systems under Vertisols in Malwa Plateau of Madhya Pradesh, India. In 16 cropping sequences, soybean was sequenced with feasible winter crops viz. wheat, chick pea, garlic, onion, potato and garden pea with inclusion of garlic, onion in late winter and assessed in randomized block design with four replications. Result: The maximum soybean equivalent yield (17731 kg/ha), net monetary returns (₹ 362170/ha), profitability (4.0), consumptive use (150.20 cm/ha) of water and productivity of water (367.35 kg/ha/cm) was recorded in crop sequence T15 - soybean (JS 93-05) - potato (Kufri jyoti) - onion (AFLR) while the minimum soybean equivalent yield (4279 kg/ha), consumptive use of water (60.09 cm/ha), water productivity (115.17 kg/ha/cm) and profitability (2.81) was noted in existing crop sequence i.e. T3 - soybean (JS 95-60) - chickpea (JG-130) desi.
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