A field experiment was conducted during rainy season of 1996-97 on clay- loam soil a! Ranchi to study the effect of transplanting time (7 and 22 July) and nitrogen levels (60, 80 and 100 kglha) on production potential and profitability of scented rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars (~ugandha, Basmati 370, Pusa Basrnati 1 and BR 10), A split-plot design was followed keeping transplanting time in main plot and combinations of varieties and nitrogen levels in subplot, with 3 replications. Timely tran~planted~(7 July) crop gave 17.2, 18.7, 18.8 and 14.4% higher grain yield, net return, net benefit : cost ratio and monetary productivity than late-planted crop (2,225 kg/ha, Rs 18,3191ha net return, 3.41 net benefit : cost ratio and Rs 136.7lhalday monetary productivity). Rice variety Pusa Basmati 1. gave significantly higher grain yield (2,930 kg/ha) wit! physical productivity (21.7 kg/ha/day), net return (Rs 24,372/ha), net benefit : cost ratio (4.54) and rnonetasy productivity (Rs 180.531h Jday) than the remaining.. Each hcrernental level of nitrogen gave significantly higher grain yield over its preceding levet and maximum grain yield (2,647 kg/ha), physical productivity (1 9.94 kg/ha/q), net return (Rs 24,3721ha), net benefit : costratp (4.54) and rndnetary productivity (Rs 180.53/hdday), net return (Rs 22,5361ha) net benefit : cost ratio (4.07) and rnwetary productivity (Rs 162.13lhdday) were obtained at 100 kg *N/ha. Riee Pusa Basmati 1 and Sugandha ?esponded up to 100 kg .wha, whereas Basinati 370 and BR 10 responded only up to 80 and 60 kg/ha respectively. . . . . , .. . ... . . . . . . ~eywqds . rice, planting iime. ~ibogen . . . . . .Bas* . . : . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . .. . liiq Coryza sativa L.), o&.xpying mbte . productiidy of sdented ,ide to e.aqforeign .than90karea,& a domind *@ s&gon exchfuige for,sustainable economic growth . . . cereal -&:e&e&dia. in:~ihar 25% ; of the couptry However, its cultivation is . about of ric-e.arei t5.4 -milliin ha) is under , 9bt as. .gopular. as of coarse rice. A _- . - mediumld fw conseqSetitJy ,information related to ii~u~on;which~~uits~we~1 the cult&atj&&f . .._ . ,free rick. Ihe.refbr8 . . i t is iuit&ility .of. itF..geiiotypes, planting time . .necessitii to inGrease -the. area and and nitrogen nked in.plateau region of . . . . . . . . . - . . .~ . . .~ . . . - . - .. . . . . . . ~ ~ ~. . .. . .. ~ . . ~ .- - - ~ ~. .
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