Self-absorption effect is always encountered in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and immediately distorts the calibration curves especially for the elemental determination of complex materials. With the aim to provide an expeditious approach for LIBS measurements susceptible to self-absorption effect, an exploratory study for sample preparation by powder mixing is implemented, and the self-absorption of laser-induced plasma beryllium emissions is investigated as a function of the dilution factor. For comparison, boric acid and wax powder are separately used as typical binding agent to mix with beryl powder to produce two sets of pressed pellets with sequential gradient of beryllium content variation. For the resonant lines most prone to self-absorption of Be II emission doublet at 313.042 nm and 313.107 nm, the beryllium spectral line shapes can be directly regulated and improved in the case of both sets of pellets as the dilution factor increases. In addition, the self-absorption effect for the strongly emitting beryllium spectral lines is further assessed by calculating the self-absorption coefficients based on the radiation transport equation. With regard to the both types of binder as diluent, when the dilution factor for beryl increases to 10 with a weight percent of 0.386% for beryllium in the pellet, the SA values may exponentially increase in general to around 0.8 and eventually asymptotically approaches to 1 without exception. Thus the self-absorption effect of laser-induced beryl plasma emissions can be readily overcome with sample preparation by powder mixing. By contrast with laser pulse irradiance in the present work, the dilution factor for powder mixing plays a dominant role in eliminating self-absorption effect. This research proposes a potentially effective approach to reduce self-absorption in laser-induced plasma emissions.