Recent advances in laser-atom cooling techniques and diode-laser technology now allow one to conduct an idealised atomic absorption experiment comprising a sample of ultracold, quasi-stationary absorbing atoms and a source of near-monochromatic resonant light. Under such conditions, the atomic absorption coefficient at line centre is independent of the oscillator strength of the atomic resonance line. This offers the prospect of ‘oscillator-strength-free’ atomic absorption spectroscopy in which the absorption signal is equally large for both strong and weak (closed) transitions of the same wavelength and in which absolute atomic absorption could be performed without knowledge of the oscillator strength. Moreover, the resolution and sensitivity for a given atom density are greatly enhanced, typically by approximately three orders of magnitude (and even more for weak transitions), compared with conventional flame or graphite-furnace atomic absorption. We describe an atomic absorption experiment based on samples of ultracold, laser-cooled caesium atoms and a narrow-bandwidth diode laser source that approximates the idealised conditions for oscillator-strength-free atomic absorption. The absorption measurements are used to determine the number density and temperature (approx. 6 μK) of the sample of ultracold atoms. Some of the technical obstacles that would have to be overcome before samples of ultracold atoms and diode laser sources could be used in analytical atomic absorption spectroscopy are discussed.
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