Metamaterials functionalized with customizable multidirectional coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) are urgently needed for advanced shape control or dimensional stability under temperature variations. The currently reported metamaterials still lack the development of diverse base material systems and exploration of the multimaterial fabrication process. Especially, the reported range of customizable CTEs for metamaterials in multiple directions is limited within [-68.1, 56.4] ppm/°C. Here, this work explicitly proposes a strategy for closely linking base materials, additive manufacturing (AM) process, architecture, and CTE tunability, in order to provide a general guideline for the design or customization of such metamaterials. In detail, first, we systematically identify the key process parameters and related performance for additive manufacturing of polymers and propose various multimaterial systems such as polypropylene-polycarbonate (PP-PC). Then, six types of metamaterials have been fabricated with high quality by the established multimaterial additive manufacturing. By measuring the effective CTEs in multiple directions, the CTE tunability of metamaterials, including large positive values (+523.36 ppm/°C) and large negative values (-230.61 ppm/°C), far beyond the literature-reported CTE range, has been experimentally verified. Further, we have developed a bidirectional requirement-solution strategy here that acts as a bridge between design and fabrication. This work opens advanced avenues for metamaterials with multidirectionally customizable and extensive CTE tunability for a variety of engineering applications such as actuators, thermal stress relief, and improved structural stability.
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