Accurate segmentation of large choroidal vessels using optical coherence tomography (OCT) images enables unprecedented quantitative analysis to understand choroidal diseases. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-scale and fine-grained network called MFGNet. Since choroidal vessels are small targets, long-range dependencies need to be considered, therefore, we developed a two-branch fine-grained feature extraction module that can mix the long-range information extracted by TransFormer with the local information extracted by convolution in parallel, introducing information exchange between the two branches. To address the problem of low contrast and blurred boundaries of choroidal vessels in OCT images, we developed a large kernel and multi-scale attention module, which can improve the features of the target area through multi-scale convolution kernels, channel mixing and feature refinement. We quantitatively evaluated the MFGNet on 800 OCT images with large choroidal vessels manually annotated. The experimental results show that the proposed method has the best performance compared to the most advanced segmentation networks currently available. It is noteworthy that the large choroidal vessels were reconstructed in three dimensions (3D) based on the segmentation results and several 3D morphological parameters were calculated. The statistical analysis of these parameters revealed significant differences between the healthy control group and the high myopia group, thereby confirming the value of the proposed work in facilitating subsequent understanding of the disease and clinical decision-making.
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