Laparoscopic laser surgery has been performed on 24 cases of clinically defined endometriosis and 9 cases of functional dysmenorrehea, by applying the potassium-titanyl-phosphate (KTP) laser, which radiate a visible green-light laser beam at 532 run as the frequency doubled or second harmonic Eight of Nd: YAG laser of invisible 1064 nm. This laser has no need for an specific aiming beam and is easily applicable with minimum invasion of several small tapping holes into the abdominal cavity by easily delivering through flexible optic fiber of 600 micron in diameter.Clinically, in all cases of various per involvements of endometriosis has been effectively carried out by vaporization, adhesiolysis, and ovarian cystectomy on chocolate cyst, without any apparent side effect of perforation or bladder, ureter and/or rectum. Laparoscopic uterosacral nerve ablation (LUNA) has been performed on 9 cases of so-called functional dysmenorrhea, revealing 7 cases (77.8%) of complete or symptomatic improvements, all of which have been documented as the sufficient depth of ablation, excluding the ineffective initial two cases of minimum and superficial ablations.
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