While well-established protocols direct laparoscopic training, there remains arelative paucity of guidelines for robotic education. Furthermore, it is unknown how exposure to one platform influences trainees' proficiency in the other. This study aimed to compare and quantify (1) learning curves and (2) transference of skill between the two modalities in novice learners. Thirty pre-clinical medical students were randomized into two groups. One group performed the peg-transfer task using the robot first, followed by laparoscopy, while the other group performed the same task laparoscopically first. Participants completed five repetitions with each methodology. Participants were timed and errors were recorded. We hypothesized that laparoscopic experience with the peg-transfer task would assist in completing the task robotically, and there would be a higher degree of skill transference from the laparoscopic to robotic platform. Peg-transfer task completion was consistently faster and more accurate with the robot compared to laparoscopy (p < 0.01). We observed a positive transference of skill from the laparoscopic to robotic platform. However, exposure to the robot-hindered students' ability to perform the task laparoscopically, evidenced by significantly increased time and errors when compared with baseline laparoscopic performance (p < 0.01). These findings encourage surgical residency programs to treat robotic and laparoscopic training as discrete entities and consider their unique learning curves and skill transference when designing an efficient curriculum. While these effects are observed in novices, future directions include uncovering the trends among resident trainees and practicing surgeons.
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