The latest edition of the Baker Library Reference List Number 25 (Business Literature: An Annotated List for Students and Businessmen. Boston (Mass.) : Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration, 1969, 139 pp., $5) is arranged under 14 subject headings with three appendixes (General Bibliographies and Periodicals, Published Case Studies and Publishers) and an index of authors, titles and subjects. Edited by Lorna M. Daniells, it is generally restricted to items in print in December 1967. Its main fault is the usual one of American books on management-excessive national bias. For example, all seven bibliographies listed are American as are 19 of the 20 periodicals, the exception being The Economist. While it is true that Americans still lead the rest of the world in the field of management literature, they really should recognize the contributions being made by other countries. One such contribution is the British Institute of Management’s Basic Library of Management, the latest edition of which was published in October 1969. The Institute also began to publish during 1969 two useful series: Management Checklists, each containing a brief introduction to a particular topic followed by about 30 or SO questions for the manager to ask himself and a select reading list, and Information Sheets, designed to serve as primary sources of information. Topics covered so far by the two series include the effective use of executive time, decimal currency, manpower planning, open landscaped offices, and films for management.
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