Numerical challenges, incorporating non-uniqueness, non-convexity, undefined gradients, and high curvature, of the positive level sets of yield function are encountered in stress integration when utilizing the return-mapping algorithm family. These phenomena are illustrated by an assessment of four typical yield functions: modified spatially mobilized plane criterion, Lade criterion, Bigoni-Piccolroaz criterion, and micromechanics-based upscaled Drucker-Prager criterion. One remedy to these issues, named the "Hop-to-Hug" (H2H) algorithm, is proposed via a convexification enhancement upon the classical cutting-plane algorithm (CPA). The improved robustness of the H2H algorithm is demonstrated through a series of integration tests in one single material point. Furthermore, a constitutive model is implemented with the H2H algorithm into the Abaqus/Standard finite-element platform. Element-level and structure-level analyses are carried out to validate the effectiveness of the H2H algorithm in convergence. All validation analyses manifest that the proposed H2H algorithm can offer enhanced stability over the classical CPA method while maintaining the ease of implementation, in which evaluations of the second-order derivatives of yield function and plastic potential function are circumvented.
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