Although recent molecular phylogenetic analyses of Lepidothrix manakins (family Pipridae) have helped clarify their evolutionary relationships, the placement of several lineages remains in question because of low or conflicting branch support. In particular, the relationship of L. coronata to other members of the genus and relationships within the L. nattereri + L. vilasboasi + L. iris clade have been difficult to resolve. We used RADcap to collect restriction site-associated DNA sequence data and estimate the first subspecies-level phylogeny of the genus Lepidothrix (17 of 18 currently recognized subspecies), and we included extensive geographic representation of the widespread and phenotypically variable L. coronata. We found strong support for the phylogenetic position and monophyly of L. coronata, and we resolved two clades separated by the Andes that, along with previous divergence time estimates and our assessment of morphological and vocal evidence, suggest the presence of two biological species: Velvety Manakin (L. velutina) west of the Andes and Blue-capped Manakin (L. coronata) east of the Andes. Species-level relationships within the L. nattereri + L. vilasboasi + L. iris clade remained poorly resolved in concatenated and coalescent-based analyses, with SNAPP analyses suggesting that the lack of reciprocal monophyly is due to extensive allele sharing among these taxa. Finally, we confirmed a previously documented hybrid between L. coronata and L. suavissima as an F1 individual, consistent with the view that hybridization between these two species is a rare event and that postmating reproductive barriers prevent successful backcrossing.
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