We assembled the mitogenome of Cypseloides fumigatus based on off-target sequences from ultraconserved elements sequencing. We found a total length of 16,850 bp, including 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNA genes, 2 rRNA genes, and one control region, organized in the standard avian gene order. We have built a phylogenetic tree including 26 species of swifts that suggested C. fumigatus as sister species of C. cryptus, and indicated exciting opportunities for biogeographic inferences involving most continents, including Neartic vs Neotropical disjunctions and local radiations across the globe. Finally, we found cases of lack of reciprocal monophyly between named species and high intra-specific divergence, suggesting that population-level studies are warranted.
Swifts and swiftlets comprise a globally distributed group of small to medium-sized insectivorous birds closely related to hummingbirds
We present the complete mitogenome of the Sooty Swift (Cypseloides fumigatus), a relatively rare species of the Cypseloidinae subfamily distributed in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay
We obtained genomic DNA from a muscle sample of an individual collected at Ortigueira, PR, Brazil (24120S 50550 W, deposited at LGEMA USP tissue collection under #11411), using the Qiagen DNeasy kit (Valencia, CA) with an RNAse treatment
Swifts and swiftlets (family Apodidae) comprise a globally distributed group of small to medium-sized insectivorous birds closely related to hummingbirds. We present the complete mitogenome of the Sooty Swift (Cypseloides fumigatus), a relatively rare species of the Cypseloidinae subfamily distributed in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. This is the third swift genome sequenced to date, the other being Apus apus (MorganRichards et al 2008, NC_008540.1) and Chaetura pelagica (Xu & Zhang 2015, NC_028545.1).
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