Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the top global public health and economic threats. The use of antimicrobials (AMs) in animal production is a major contributor to the development of AMR globally. Animal health professionals (AHPs) play a key role in ensuring judicious use of AMs. To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of antimicrobial usage (AMU) and AMR among healthcare professionals in Nekemte town, Leka Dulecha and Sibu Sire districts. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 120 purposively chosen AHPs residing in the districts and the town. A semi-structured questionnaire consisting of 49 questions was used to ascertain the KAP. The chi-square test (X2) was used to analyze the association between the knowledge score and demographic profile of the study participants. In the study the overall knowledge of the participants was moderately appreciable, and all participants had positive attitudes toward AMR and appropriate usage. In terms of knowledge of antibiotic use, the majority (93.33%) of the participants correctly answered the statement that antibiotics can kill viruses. About 84.17% of the participants correctly knew that antibiotics killed or stopped the growth of both bad and good bacteria. The majority of the participants (74.17%) always or (25.83%) sometimes rely on usage of antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. It was shown that comparing respondents from Sibu Sire, Leka Dulecha and Nekemte town, the scores of knowledge of AMU were significantly (X2=14.13, p=0.007) different. Most animal healthcare professionals from the Sibu sire have a good knowledge of AMU, and contribute to AMR development. The study revealed that there was moderate knowledge and positive attitude toward AMU and resistance. This warrants continuing capacity building programs for the professionals on AM usage and resistance, and development of field-friendly disease diagnosis and management tools is essential in the need to reduce AMR.
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