The fragments emitted in the reaction 107,109Ag+ 20Ne at 175 and 252 MeV bombarding energy have been identified in charge up to Z = 32. Kinetic energy distributions, cross sections and angular distributions have been measured for each Z. The kinetic energy spectra show the two usual components: the quasielastic component and the relaxed component. The Z-distribution of the latter is fairly flat, slowly decreasing up to Z ≈ 15 and then rising again up to Z = 30. The variations in the Z-distribution are more pronounced at the lower bombarding energy. The angular distributions associated with the relaxed component are forward peaked for Z-values close to that of the projectile and behave like 1 sinθ for larger Z-values. The forward peaking is very substantial for Z < 10. For Z > 10 the forward peaking in excess of 1 sinθ disappears around Z = 15. These features are interpreted in terms of a diffusion process along the asymmetry coordinate of a short-lived intermediate complex.
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