Precision measurement of DC and AC voltages requires an analogue to digital converter specification to have two key parameter values: the number of effective or noise free bits and the signal bandwidth. Commercial ADCs may offer the potential for use in a metrology class voltmeter but there is no easy way to compare the dynamic specification of a DMM with that of an ADC, especially when the number of bits or bandwidth changes. An architecture independent ADC/DMM figure of merit (FOM), is proposed to facilitate this comparison. At National Measurement Institutes, it is necessary to be able to measure with significantly greater precision than the device or instrument under test. Analysis shows that the FOM required of a metrology class ADC is beyond the state of the art for both ADCs and instruments. Fortunately, the use of superconducting Josephson junction based circuits offers the possibility to achieve the required precision. This paper gives the background to and reviews the progress of an EU funded research project for a quantum analogue to digital converter which is aiming to achieve the required FOM, beyond the state of the art.
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