Ayurveda is a living science with a big concern to follow the Siddhant of “Swasthsya Swasthya Rakshan.” The Ayurvedic concept of preventive aspect of health is very useful now a days as the people in the modern era are unable to pay attention to their health due to their hectic lifestyles & may suffer from a number of lifestyle disor-ders. Ayurveda proposed many measures to protect health. For the diagnosis & prevention of diseases there should be knowledge of Tridhoshas, Saptadhatus, Malas as well as an understanding of Sarata is also crucial. Dhatu Sarata is an assessment of body by examine the excellent and fine quality status of Dhatu. It is a component of Dashavidha Pariksha. Both physical and emotional health are impacted by Dhatu's Sara-Asara state, we can observe a dhatu's impacts on many bodily parts while it is in the Asar state. So, differ-ent kinds of lifestyle & metabolic diseases are caused by impaired Dhatus. PCOS is common lifestyle and meta-bolic disorders in female & is characterized by a combination of hyperandrogenism, irregular menses, chronic anovulation, hyperinsulinemia, obesity, polycystic ovaries, infertility. As per our classical texts, a few diseases may be correlated with PCOS like Pushpaghnijataharini1 (kashyap samhita), Aartavakshay2, Granthi, Bandhya3 yonivyapad, Sthaulya etc. The proposed pathogenesis of PCOS is as follows, due to Visham Aahar vihar Agni getting vitiated causing Agnimandya which leads to the formation of Aamras resulting Dhatvagni mandya. This Samaras dhatu vitiated the Aartava(Updhatu of Ras) & Kapha Dosha. METHODOLOGY: This papers content is based on Ayurveda classics with the accessible commentaries, textbook of contemporary medical sciences, and a number of articles to better comprehend the idea Medosarata, Mandagni, Mans-Medodusthi & the patho-genesis, symptoms etc of PCOS. RESULT: Thus, sedentary lifestyle is a precipitating factor for Dhatvagni Man-dya and Medodhatu Dushti in the pathogenesis of PCOS. Therefore, the purpose of present article is exploring awareness about lifestyle as well as the medical perspective of PCOS.