From the prevention hygiene point of view, I inquired statistically into the death by tuberculosis, disease of circulatory system and 'of infants, and made mass-and epideminological survey on the present condition of infant health control and disease of circulatory system how to move, and the true condition of tuberculosis in Okazaki District. The results were as follow:1. In comparison with all Japan and Aichi Prefectnre, all rates show on the whole the same rate and incline to diminution.2. Concerning the substance of tuberculosis in Okazaki District, morbidity and finding rate coincide with the result of all Japan tuberculosis investigation.Concerving regist rated patients whose procession of disease was obsqure, it's 73.5% cured and it's 52.4% is under the chemotherapy.3. Concerning health care of infants, the physique has rised year and year.4. Concerning mass survey, in the rate which was attached by high blood pressure, man is 22.6%, woman is 22.7%, it was comparatively low rate. In the mean number of maximum blood pressure, man is rather lower than that of all Japan.Woman is plainly higher than it. In the rate which was found out the change in E.C.G., man is 24.0%, woman is 18.2%.Compared with the occupation, high blood pressure is higher rate in those who carry on agriculture, commerce and industry, the change of E.C.G. is higher rate in office man.The relation between high blood pressure and the family history, early history and the custom of drink was statistically singnificant.
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