Received: 2016-04-19 | Accepted: 2016-06-05 | Available online: 2017-09-30 Over the period of the years 2014 and 2015 in the locality of nature reserve Torozlin and water area Strkareň gravel-pit being located at the village Komjatice, lying in the southwestern part of the Podunajska pahorkatina upland was evaluated the species of dragonflies. 179 individuals of dragonflies were collected during the monitoring period, of which 13 species were determined as belonging to eight families. On the locality of the Torozlin Nature Reserve, the dominant species were Ischnura elegans (37.50%), Platycnemis pennipes (28.85 %), Sympetrum vulgatum (10.58 %), Sympetrum sanguineum (5.76 %) and Platycnemis pennipes (54.67 % Ischnura elegans (37.33 %) and Libellula depressa (5.34 %). Based on the fact that the Torozlin site has a marshy character, the species composition was more varied. Protection and vulnerability were assessed by the Red List of IUCN, the European Red List of dragonflies and the Red List of dragonflies of the Slovak Republic. Evaluation of protection was carried out under the Decree of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic No. 492/2006 Collection of Laws. For individual species found also their dominance was calculated. Keywords: dragonflies, locality, nature reserve, dominance, Slovakia References ASKEW, R.R. (1988) The dragonflies of Europe . Colchester: Harley Books. 291 p. DAVID, S. (2001) Red (ekosozological) list of dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) Slovakia. In BALAŽ, D., MARHOLD, K. and URBAN, P.(Ed.): Red list of plants and animals of Slovakia. Nature protection , 20 (Suppl.), pp. 96–99. DAVID, S. (2005) The research results of dragonflies (Odonata) in the Slovak Republic. In Ochrana prirody , vol. 24, pp. 168-187 (in Czech). DAVID, S. (2006) Dragonflies (Odonata) of selected water habitats. In HRESKO, J., PUCHEROVA, Z. and BALAŽ, I. (eds.): Landscape Nitra and its surroundings. The initial stage of research . Nitra: UKF. 182 p. (in Slovak). DAVID, S. (2013) Annotated Checklist of dragonflies (Odonata), Slovakia. In BRYJA, J., ŘEHAK, J. and ZUKA, J. (eds.): Zoological days Brno 2013. Abstracts from the conference . Brno: Mendelova univerzita. 242 p. DAVID, S. and ABELOVA, M. (2015) Dragonflies (Odonata) of the Protected Area Mlyňany Arboretum. Folia faunistica Slovaca , vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 135–139. DECREE OF THE MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT. 492/2006 Coll., Amending and supplementing Decree of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic no. 24/2003 Coll., Implementing the Act. 543/2002 Coll. on nature and landscape protection. DIJKSTRA, K.D.B. and LEWINGTON, R. (2006) Field guide to the dragonflies of Britain and Europe including western Turkey and north-western Africa . London: British Wildlife Publishing , 320 p. DOLNÝ , A. et al.(2007) The dragonflies of the Czech Republic. Ecology, conservation and distribution . Vlasim: Ceský svaz ochranců přirody. 672 p. (in Czech). HANEL, L. and ZELENÝ, J. (2000) Dragonflies (Odonata), research and protection. In Metodika Ceskeho svazu ochranců přirody , no. 9. 240 p. (in Czech). HEIDEMANN, H. and SEIDENBUSCH, R. (1993) Die Libellenlarven Deutschlands und Frankreichs. Handbuch fur Exuviensammler . Keltern: Verlag Erna Bauer Keltern, 391 p. IUCN (2014) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014 . 3 . JANSKÝ, V. and DAVID, S. (2010) Dragonflies (Odonata) PR Sur. In Majzlan, O., Vidlicka, Ľ. Nature Reserves Sur. Institute of Zoology, 2010. 410 p. KALKMAN, V. J. et al. (eds.) (2010) European Red List of Dragonflies . Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 28 p. KOHL, S. (1998) Odonata. Anisoptera – Exuvien (Grosslibellen-Larvenhaute) Europas . Bestimmungsschlussel. Berlin: Kohl. 27 p. LAPIN, M. et al. (2002) . Climate zones . In MIKLOS, L. (ed.) Atlas of landscape of Slovakia . Bratislava: Ministerstvo životneho prostredia SR. 95 p. (in Slovak). LOSOS, B. et al. (1984) Animal Ecology . Praha: Statni pedagogicke nakladatelstvi. 300 p. (in Czech). LOSOS, B. (1992) Animal ecology: Exercises . Brno Masarykova univerzita. 229 p. (in Czech). THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE VILLAGE KOMJATICE 2015 – 2023 . Komjatice: Obecký urad. 86 p. (in Slovak). WALDHAUSER, M. and CERNÝ, M. (2014) Dragonflies Czech Republic. Guide for determining our species and their larvae . Vlasim: Ceský svaz ochranců přirody Vlasim. 184 p. (in Czech). WASSCHER, M. T. and BOS, F.G. (2000) The European dragonflies: notes on the checklist and on species diversity. Odonatologica , vol. 29, pp. 31–43.
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