Since 2013, the Korea has revised the Software Industry Promotion Act, limiting the participation of enterprises with limited cross-shareholding, which are notified by the Fair Trade Commission, to the public information industry. The purpose of this law is to prevent the market monopoly of large companies, to foster small and medium-sized software companies and to improve their technological capabilities. However, without considering the nature of SW industry and companies, It is pointed out that the profitability of small and medium-sized software companies is lowered. In this study, 22 IT service companies belonging to the cross-share limited business group and 48 general companies performing business in the public information industry based on the DEA model were enacted in 2013, Technological efficiency, Pure technological efficiency and Scale efficiency and after conducting the ANOVA test, the least significant difference test was conducted to determine whether the difference in efficiency of each group was significant. As a result, after 2013, when the law was enacted, the Technological efficiency of the general enterprise was still falling, unlike the purpose of the law and the reason is that the technology level and proficiency level of the general companies are lower than that of the large companies.
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