To permit accurate counting of weakly activated solutions of Mn 56SO 4 drawn from an integrating neutron detector of the “manganese bath” type, a two-stage counting facility has been developed. Two liter aqueous solutions are counted directly in a gamma-gamma coincidence arrangement which features relatively high efficiency and long-term stability. An electronic delay, mixing, splitting, and repeating technique is used to allow full utilization of radiation detected in both NaI(Tl) crystals while only two single channel analyzers are required. This system is calibrated on an absolute scale through another unit which counts small aliquots of a strongly activated sample mixed with liquid scintillator in a 4 π beta-gamma coincidence mode. Signals from two high-gain, low-noise photomultiplier tubes viewing the same scintillation cell are put into coincidence to reduce thermionic photocathode noise below background level for room-temperature operation. Automatic punched-card readout with subsequent computer analysis of data is available. Otherwise incompatible requirements of convenience, stability, efficiency and accuracy are satisfied by using this two-stage process of direct counting backed up by calibration. The gamma-gamma counter, with twice the efficiency of ordinary gamma-gamma coincidence systems, has demonstrated better than 2 3% stability over months of operation. Comparisons with standard sources and with a 4 π- beta proportional counter indicate better than 1% accuracy for the beta-gamma setup. Single channel efficiencies for Mn 56 are 4% at 1.9 c/s background and 9% at 1.5 c/s background; coincidence efficiency is 0.2%. While intended primarily for precision detection of Mn 56, the system is readily adaptable to other radio- isotope counting requirements.
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