vehicle to reduce the wastage of energy. The proposed work is accomplished by using Arduino UNO and sensors that will control the electricity based on night and object's detection. Meanwhile, a counter is set that will count the number of objects passed through the road. The beauty of the proposed work is that the wastage of unused electricity can be reduced. The aim of this project is to design a street light control system using Arduino UNO, which automatically turns on or off the street lights by detecting the movement of vehicles. The working of the project is explained here. When there is not any vehicle in front of the IR sensor module, the receiver can’t get any infrared signal So the circuit remain in open loop condition and the lights are in off condition. When there is any vehicle in front of the IR sensor module, the receiver get the infrared signal. So the circuit is in close loop condition and the lights are in on condition with respect to the IR module. If the car blocks the first IR sensor, the first three LEDs are turned ON by the micro-controller. As the car moves forward and blocks the second IR sensor, the corresponding next three LEDs will be turned ON and the first LED of the previous set is turned OFF. The process continues this way for all the IR Sensors and LEDs.
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