Hemangiomas are common tumors that exhibit a rapid increase in the number of blood vessels when analyzed microscopically. Hemangiomas are frequently seen since the birth of the infant and possibly enlarge with age. They most likely have developmental rather than malignant roots. Oral hemangiomas are still clinically relevant to the specialist dentist and will require proper clinical treatment regardless of their benign origin and behavior. Nowadays, physical examination, auxiliary inspection, and clinical history serve as the main pillars of diagnosis. Priority should be given in hemangioma treatment to functional harm brought on by the treatment, which may lead to a worsening of the patient’s current condition and may pose a threat to the patient’s life. This shows that early diagnosis, identification, and referral to specialists are critical steps in reducing associated problems and improving prognosis. Surgery and other forms of treatment have a greater rate of morbidity, recurrence, and complications and are not always effective. Oral propranolol is still a widely used first-line medication. Oral propranolol is still a widely used first-line medication, nevertheless. Together with a review of related literature, the main focus of this study will be on the recent changes and modifications being made to ensure accurate diagnosis.