
We have presented a case of Sturge-Weber syndrome which was very bizarre as far as the intraoral hemangioma was concerned. Among the major and minor symptoms of the disease, this patient had convulsions up to the age of 7 years, a very distinct nevus flammeus, electroencephalographic abnormalities, and, of course, the hemangioma. His schoolteacher here at the hospital says that he is of average intelligence. Sclerosing is a very slow method of treatment, but we believe that it is the safest and gives the best prognosis. Looking back to 1963, when the patient first came to us, we wish that we had started sclerosing the hemangioma along with the radiation therapy. In that way, we might have prevented the hemangioma's bizarre growth. The injections will continue, and if the outcome is such that the tumor can be removed by electrocautery or a minor surgical procedure, we think that we will have accomplished a great deal. By being patient, we will prevent the boy's being left with a facial deformity.

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