A hidden graph is a graph whose edge set is hidden. A distance oracle of a graph G is a black-box that receives two vertices of G and outputs the distance between the two vertices. Given a hidden graph, the reconstruction problem aims to identify the edges of the hidden graph by accessing a distance oracle, and the verification problem aims to check whether the hidden graph is equal to another given graph (not hidden).If the hidden graph G is a connected chordal graph, a Las Vegas reconstruction algorithm using O(Δ32Δ⋅n(2Δ+log2n)logn) distance queries is known, where Δ is the maximum degree of G and n is the number of vertices of G. Improving upon this result, we present a reconstruction algorithm using only O(Δ2nlog2n) distance queries. As a byproduct, we obtain a deterministic algorithm for the verification of chordal graphs with O(Δ2nlogn) distance queries. Additionally, we derive a deterministic algorithm of reconstructing connected interval graphs using only O(Δn) distance queries, and prove that reconstructing or verifying a connected interval graph needs Ω(Δn) distance queries, which implies that this algorithm is the best possible in terms of the number of distance queries needed.