An edge-coloring of a graph G with consecutive integers c 1 , … , c t is called an interval t -coloring if all colors are used, and the colors of edges incident to any vertex of G are distinct and form an interval of integers. A graph G is interval colorable if it has an interval t -coloring for some positive integer t . The set of all interval colorable graphs is denoted by N . In 2004, Giaro and Kubale showed that if G , H ∈ N , then the Cartesian product of these graphs belongs to N . In the same year they formulated a similar problem for the composition of graphs as an open problem. Later, in 2009, the second author showed that if G , H ∈ N and H is a regular graph, then G [ H ] ∈ N . In this paper, we prove that if G ∈ N and H has an interval coloring of a special type, then G [ H ] ∈ N . Moreover, we show that all regular graphs, complete bipartite graphs and trees have such a special interval coloring. In particular, this implies that if G ∈ N and T is a tree, then G [ T ] ∈ N .
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