view Abstract Citations (44) References (77) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Radio Observations of Interstellar CH. II Hjalmarson, A. ; Sume, A. ; Elider, J. ; Rydbeck, O. E. H. ; Moore, E. L. ; Huguenin, G. R. ; Sandqvist, Aa. ; Lindblad, P. O. ; Lindroos, P. Abstract The Onsala Space Observatory 25.6 m telescope, equipped with a traveling wave maser preamplifier, has been used to study emission in the three hyperfine transitions of the 211i/2 J = 1/2, A doublet state of interstellar CH. The main line (F = 1-1) has been detected toward more than 100 positions in optically dark nebulae. All three lines have been observed in many directions with relatively strong main line emission, including the Sharpless H ii region S159, the open cluster NGC 2264, and 3C 353. Observations on and off 3C 123, which lies behind Lynds's cloud Ll 500, indicate that the three CH transitions are probably inverted in dark dust clouds. The main line excitation temperature is found to be about -9 K in Ll 500. A statistical analysis of the data indicates that the antenna temperature increases linearly with the cloud opacity class, or the cloud density. An increase is also found for the CH column density, but it seems that the ratio between the CH and the total hydrogen column densities decreases for more opaque clouds. Available optical data agree well with the radio results. Subject headings: interstellar: matter - interstellar: molecules - nebulae: general Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series Pub Date: 1977 DOI: 10.1086/190480 Bibcode: 1977ApJS...35..263H full text sources ADS |
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