This study analyzed the effects of internet fashion consumer's impulse buying tendency on positive and negative purchasing behaviors. A survey was conducted from October 1 to December 15 in 2010, and 407 responses from internet fashion consumers who made impulse purchases on the internet at least once for the last 6 months were used in the data analysis. As a result, the impulse buying tendency of internet fashion consumers was classified into pure impulse buying, reminder impulse buying, suggestion impulse buying, and stimulus impulse buying. The positive purchasing behaviors such as repurchase intention and purchase satisfaction were influenced by the impulse buying tendency. The all factors of impulse buying tendency had an effect on repurchase intention, while purchase satisfaction was influenced by the reminder impulse buying, suggestion impulse buying, and stimulus impulse buying. The negative purchasing behaviors were classified into delay in decision making and switching intention of purchase. The delay in decision making was influenced by the stimulus impulse buying, suggestion impulse buying, and reminder impulse buying. Also, the reminder impulse buying, suggestion impulse buying and pure impulse buying had an effect on switching intention of purchase. In addition, there were significant differences in the impulse buying tendency and delay in decision making between male and female internet fashion consumers.
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