
This study attempted to understand the addictive internet buying tendencies and how self-esteem, materialism, and self-control influenced the addictive internet tendencies and how those variables affected those when people receive marketing promotions on internet shopping mall. A total 883 cases were collected as data through internet survey on the consumers who had purchased fashion products. Internet fashion buyers were classified into high-purchasing, low-purchasing, and non-purchasing groups. These groups were showing differences among self·esteem, materialism, and self-control. High purchasing group was showing low self-esteem and self·control and high materialism than others. Variables that affect addictive buying tendencies of internet fashion product were shown accordingly brand promotion, materialism, web display promotion, and self-esteem. Marketing promotions were contributed more on the internet addictive buying tendencies than consumers' socio-psychological variables. So as to induce rational buying behavior, excessive product promotion and discount price promotion should be reduced.

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