In this Article, we present a broadband deployment framework describing how “the next five billion” may be connected to the Internet in the future. This framework identifies the most promising Internet technologies and the areas where they should be deployed. To summarize, we see wireless platforms being used in rural markets and other areas that will benefit greatly from a high degree of shared infrastructure, particularly with an electrical powering solution. Over time, fiber-based networks will gradually fill across the network, migrating from the core to the edge. In our research, we also describe and promote a certain set of policies (many of which may not require laws) that will facilitate the prompt and efficient deployment of broadband infrastructure. These policies include (1) promoting shared infrastructure, (2) liberalizing spectrum policy, (3) facilitating access and interconnection through Internet exchange points, (4) creating an ecosystem that stimulates demand for broadband (and associated innovation, entrepreneurship, and technical experimentation), and (5) sharing information and discussing best practices among parties with common interests within geographical regions. © 2014 David Reed, Jennifer Haroon & Patrick S. Ryan. † The Principle Investigator for this project is David P. Reed, Ph.D., otherwise authors are listed alphabetically. Author David Reed is Faculty Director and Scholar in Residence at the University of Colorado Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program. Author Jennifer Haroon is a Principal, Access Strategy and Operations at Google. Author Patrick S. Ryan, Ph.D., is Senior Policy Counsel for International Relations and Free Expression at Google and Senior Affiliated Researcher at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). The opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not reflect the opinions of their employers. 1206 BERKELEY TECHNOLOGY LAW JOURNAL [Vol. 29:1205
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