In modern conditions, when parity international financial and monetary relations are turning from traditional instruments of economic interaction into instruments of neocolonial political pressure and blackmail of economically strong countries against weaker ones, the need for a new global financial order and monetary standard, that would be independent of the will of any central bank, but with a value as reliable as that of modern fiat currencies, is increasingly realized. Today, the global economy feels the urgent need for fundamentally new opportunities for market interaction and monetary exchange. Cryptocurrencies have become such tools — electronic decentralized money issued by specific individuals in specialized open computer networks through the transformation of electricity into fixed computer codes. The process of such transformation is called mining, which uses ASIC miners as computer equipment to obtain cryptocurrency. The concept of cryptocurrencies and the specifics of investing in them are considered. The characteristic is presented of the current state and dynamics of the development of the crypto market. The possibilities and methods of forecasting the development of the cryptocurrency market are shown both using classical methods of economic forecasting and a fundamentally new methodology based on the current assessment of the psychological state of participants in the crypto market and their readiness to commit certain economic actions. An assessment is given of the possibilities of investing in mining as a technology for mining cryptocurrencies. Requirements to special mining equipment — ASIC miners — are described. An assessment is given of the prospects for the development of the crypto economy.
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